Linking Facial Meshes

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Characters can have more than one mesh object with facial blendshapes.

Facial animation data will be applied to the assigned FACE mesh object. If there are any other mesh objects, with correctly named blendshapes, their blendshapes will be automatically linked to the assigned FACE mesh object and will automatically inherit the animation data.

This way it is possible to make alterations to facial animation data by editing the animation only on the assigned FACE mesh object.

For example, face mesh may have a full set of blendshapes but eyebrows mesh may have only a small subset of blendshapes related to eyebrow movement (e.g. browInnerDnL, browInnerDnR, browInnerUpL, browInnerUpR, etc.). In this case, blendshapes from the eyebrow mesh will be automatically linked to the face mesh, and the eyebrows mesh will receive animation data from the face mesh.